Rapport-talkandReport-talk You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation Deborah Tannen, PhD Excerpts from Chapter Three Rapport-talk and Report-talk I was sitting in a suburban living room, speaking to a women's group that had invited men to join them for the occasion of my ...
Rapport-talkandReport-talk 系统标签: talkrapportreportwomenmenswacker YouJustDon'tUnderstand:WomenandMeninConversationDeborahTannen,PhDExcerptsfromChapterThreeRapport-talkandReport-talkIwassittinginasuburbanlivingroom,speakingtoawomen'sgroupthathadinvitedmentojointhemfortheoccasionofmytalkaboutcommunicationbetweenwomen...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk [Tannen]、rapport-talk、report-talk等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
the more a conversation is like public speaking or report talk. The fewer the people, the more intimately you know them, and the more equal their status, the more it is like private speaking or rapport-talk(和谐的交谈). Furthermore, women feel a situation is more “public”---in the ...
___ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals.___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 report;Report#rappor...
___ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. ___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others. 答案:\n \n \n \n (1)\n ... ...
___ (report / rapport) talk is the typical monologic style of males, which focuses on accomplishing goals. ___ (report / rapport) talk is considered the typical conversational style of females, which seeks to establish connection with others.的答案
A: In this context, rapport is used to mean the ability of all parties to communicate and understand each other. The way you talk to a close friend or family member would be a 'good rapport' because you both understand not just what you are saying, but your intentions as well.'Good ...
In part 2 of this series on baits & subversion, we get into sex talk. Use these baits to get women ready to talk sex… then subvert their expectations as you go into it. Tactics Tuesdays: Jerking: Make Her Like You LESS By:Chase Amante ...
To have common interests with others, you need to talk about yourself. If you’re a naturally talkative person, don’t forget to let the other person talk too. People don’t like to have conversations with people and not participate. While you can bond with people by sharing interests, ...