Have your favorite rap artists ever been incarcerated? This list of all the rappers ever arrested and sent to prison in the history of rap music has the answer. So, which rappers went to jail? Are there famous rappers in jail now? Rap stars in jail are common throughout music history an...
Arrested Development is an American alternative hip hop group that formed in Atlanta in 1988. It was founded by Speech and his ex-best friend Headliner as a positive, Afrocentric alternative to the gangsta rap popular in the late 1980s. Also ranks #26 on The Best Musi...
Freddie Gibbsfound himself in trouble overseas after being arrested by French police in 2016. He was taken into custody prior to a performance during the European leg of his Shadow of a Doubt Tour.Gibbs' arresthappened under claims that HE raped a woman while on tour in Vienna, Austria, in...
he told everyone on that he was 6’ 4”. Not long after, he raised that figure to 6’ 5”. He must have been joking because he eventually claimed that he could reach 6’ 6” by standing on his wallet.nThe correct figure is 6’ 3”, ...
Christian themes have long proliferated hip-hop. There have been a slew of rappers over the years who have either directly proclaimed to be or implied that they are the Son of God. Whether it be through Christian imagery, like Kendrick Lamarwearing a crown of thorns, or downright proclamation...
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai police said on Thursday they had arrested eight more activists, including two popular rappers, in a crackdown after more than a month of protests against the military-backed government that have also challenged the powerful monarchy. The eight arrested overnight and on...
That investigation – led Detroit Police to the murder scene Thursday, where the bodies were found. Sources tell FOX 2 – Friday morning, a man was arrested in Knoxville. Meanwhile – another man was brought into custody, in the last week here in Detroit – for questioning. MS...
I am just grateful the world has taken the message seriously. Things seem to be coming to such a head now that it is impossible to look away” Tsitsi Dangarembga Writer and Booker Prize nominee “I was in the holding cells with two men who had been tortured. One has severe kidney dam...
"From there we just have a whole lot of unanswered questions that we’re trying to find the answer to," Detroit Police Cmdr. Michael McGinnis said. "The fact that the three of them are missing together is very concerning and very alarming for us." Now, Detroit police are among s...
that the U.S. is concealing a program that has recovered UFOs and extraterrestrials. Though the Pentagon has denied his claims, the topic of UFO disclosure has had the internet going nuts for the last 24 hours. However, any rap fan knows many of their favorite rappers have been speaking ab...