Although intended for younger audiences, this children's musical group's sanitized renditions of popular rap songs were met with derision from fans and critics alike. Their awkward delivery and clumsy lyric alterations often stripped the original tracks of their impact or meaning, while their...
Hailing from Atlanta, this talented spitter breathes new life into the Southern hip-hop scene with mind-boggling wordplay and an undeniable ear for catchy instrumentals. As a member of J. Cole's Dreamville Records, he's proven to be an unrelenting force, boasting a raw energy and flow ...
FWMJ’s — Rappers I Know Month Compliation MyOne — Away With Words EP Kay (The Foundation) & Donwill (Tanya Morgan) — Fly Guys EP Rhettmatic — Excerpts From The SP 1200: Volume 1 (1994-1998) Kay (The Foundation) & Donwill (Tanya Morgan) —”Fly Guys” ...
Renee Graham Globe Staff
The birthplace and the one and only true mecca of hip hop had fallen from its once dominant presence in rap as New York rappers have for long been overshadowed by southern hip hop. With hip hop emerging during the late 1970s, the 1980s was the era that hip hop music began to build ...
When it comes to rap music, Louisiana has introduced the world to plenty of influential rappers. With the recent release ofBaton Rouge based rapperAdam Dollar$project,‘…But All is Well’, we asked him who he thought was the top 5 rappers of all time from Louisiana are. Here’s what ...
(from total) :“foxy’s voice couldn’t be duplicated and it still can’t be duplicated. you’ve never heard someone like foxy. she came with it. there’s no one else that killed the game like foxy. “‘no one else’ was fire: foxy putting it down the way she did, [lil] kim...
into limelight, he has succeeded in producing numerous records and millions of sales have been generated from these. As a popular rap star, Lil Wayne has partnered with many other notable stars. With the estimated net worth of $120 million, he is undoubtedly one of the world’s richest ...
Today's Celebrity Net Worth Articles He Wore Rags And Took Public Transportation While Secretly Hiding A $200 Million Fortune. And Then He Gave It All Away Publicly, Jack MacDonald gave off the appearance of a man who was living out his final years just barely above the poverty line. Priva...
In those returns, Goodnight said they claimed the IRS had withheld large amounts of income tax from the trusts filing the returns. All told, Goodnight said they falsely reported withholdings and claimed refunds of more than $13.6 million and that the IRS had paid out $5,539,049 to th...