including time savings (both during sampling and processing), cost savings and most importantly, ease of distribution and application—which can be done basically anywhere, including schools. This can help overcome COVID testing disparities for children and adolescents in medically...
areas in need of urgent COVID-19 testing capabilities. Introduction Rapid, accurate, and scalable testing systems for COVID-19 diagnosis are essential to control SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 pandemic, and reopen society. The diagnosis of COVID-19 mainly relies on the det...
Ourlatest updatein theCOVID-19 Explained Clearlyseries is an in-depthinterview with Professor Michael Mina, MDfrom the Harvard School of Public Health. As a major advocate for at-home, rapid testing, Dr. Mina explains how a $1 test could potentially curb COVID-19 spread in the United Stat...
Therefore, rapid, facile, cost-effective and accessible detections for large-scale screening, in-field testing and point-of-care diagnosis of the disease are of great importance and urgency for quickly controlling the highly contagious and rapid spread of COVID-19. In this work, we first review...
et al.SalivaDirect: A simplified and flexible platform to enhance SARS-CoV-2 testing capacity.medRxiv A 5-min RNA preparation method for COVID-19 detection with RT-qPCR.(2020). (Accessed: 29th April 2021) ...
This is particularly true because access to clinical testing and analytical facilities are prioritized for certain populations at greater risk for severe outcomes due to infection with COVID-19 (SHA, 2022; Arts et al., 2022). Hence, accessibility to clinical testing is limited to certain segments...
Considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s lives and views of health, the experience of the pandemic was also investigated, including people’s assessment of any changes in their access to HIV prevention services, HIV testing, and PrEP. CL took notes during interviews and ...
To describe demographic characteristics and health-related social needs of families who accessed maternal-infant care through a mobile medical clinic (MMC) during the COVID-19 pandemic and to explore feasibility, acceptability, perceived benefits, and barriers to care. Methods In this mixed-methods ob...
Extensive testing is essential to break the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which causes the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we present a CRISPR-based diagnostic assay that is robust to viral genome mutations and temperature, produces results fast, can be applied directly on nasopharyngeal (NP) sp...
The basic advantages of the FET-based biosensor are easy fabrication, fast sensing response, and ease of use because the dynamic real-time response can be acquired with low-cost digital readers that can be calibrated for different applications. Certainly, at central hospitals and testing centers, ...