Drones can also replace aircraft and other vehicles in carrying advanced sensor packages like a laser-based light detection and ranging system similar to radar, known as LiDAR, which have been used to detect invasive plants (Asner et al.2008; Barbosa et al.2016) and fish (TerraDaily2018). L...
exigua might be possible by using doppler weather radar when the swarm of S. exigua adults migrates during a major outbreak [23,24], the technology is not readily available to growers and pest control service providers. In July and August of 2018, an outbreak of S. exigua occurred in ...
The loss of natural areas (here, especially forests) and increase of anthropized areas are tightly coupled in Amazon LULC dynamics and extremely common in the Xingu River basin, where the Apyterewa Indigenous Land is located, due to the pressure of agricultural activities on protected areas [22...