spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst 是一种生成树协议(STP)的模式,它指的是快速PVST(Per-VLAN Spanning Tree)模式。在这种模式下,交换机会为每个VLAN独立运行PVST算法,以加快收敛速度。快速PVST模式旨在减少网络中出现环路的风险,同时提高网络的可靠性和性能。与传统的STP(如STP、RSTP)相比,快速PVST...
PVST: Per-VLAN Spanning Tree(每VLAN生成树),是解决在虚拟局域网上处理生成树的CISCO特有解决方案。Cisco在提出了Portfast,Backbonefast,Uplinkfast等一系列spanning-tree特性后,IEEE修改得出了802.1W标准,为和上一代PVST区分,便把有这些特性的spanning-tree称为rapid-pvst。
Rapid per VLAN Spanning Tree (Rapid PVST+) is an updated implementation of STP that allows you to create one spanning tree topology for each VLAN. Rapid PVST+ is the default Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) mode on the switch. Note Spanning tree is used to refer to IEEE 802.1w and IEEE 802...
Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) creates a spanning tree instance for a bridge. Rapid PVST (PVRST) supports RSTP enhancements for each spanning tree instance. To use PVRST with a traditional bridge, you must create a bridge corresponding to the untagged native VLAN and all the phys...
PVST+(Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus,增强型PVST)是使用通用的802.1Q中继协议来实现PVST功能的,是PVST的改进版本。虽然它支持了通用的802.1Q中继,但它仍不能在非Cisco设备上支持。 Rapid-PVST+又是在PVST+和RSTP两种协议基础上开发的,可以在每个VLAN中有一个快速生成树(RST)实例,支持RSTP特性。
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计算机网络中的Rapid-Spanning_Tree快速扩张树 RapidSpanningTree WhyneedSTP?Preventingundesirableloopsinthenetwork.Providespathredundancy.Onlyoneactivepathcanexistbetweentwostations.WhatSTPCanDo?AutomaticallyDetectLoopontheNetwork.Calculatepathcapacitiesandthenplacehigh-cost(orlowestcapacity)linksinabackupstateautomatically...
Rapid Spanning Tree is the evolved version of "classic spanning tree". This lesson explains why it is faster and how it works.
pvst PVST: Per-VLAN Spanning Tree(每VLAN生成树) PVST是解决在虚拟局域网上处理生成树的CISCO特有解决方案.PVST为每个虚拟局域网运行单独的生成树实例.一般情况下PVST要求在交换机之间的中继链路上运行CISCO的ISL. 每VLAN生成树 (PVST)为每个在网络中配置的VLAN维护一个生成树实例。它使用ISL中继和允许一个VLAN中...
To isolate link fluctuations to a particular VLAN segment and to provide load balancing, PVRST+ creates a separate spanning tree for each VLAN. The spanning-tree-to-VLAN mapping is configured on a per-VLAN basis. The PVRST+ protocol is an enhancement of RSTP, which works in conjunction with...