Umbilical venous pressures increased in both hy- Slrrgicul mc~hoclsW. e successfully operated on 14 single ges- dropic and nonhydropic fetuses, but the central venous tation ewes that ranged in gestation from 120 to 131 d. The +pressure became elevated only in the hydropic fetuses. non...
(b) Hematologic examinations after the SG/TA-0.3 % bioadhesives implantation in vivo for 28 days. RBC: Red blood cell, HCT: Hematocrit, MCV: Mean corpuscular volume, MCHC: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, HGB: Hemoglobin, PLT: Platelet, MPV: Mean platelet volume, WBC: White blood ...