Rapid City real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
As a consequence the update rates for meteorological scans of the phased array radar and of the proposed scanning strategy combined with an advanced mechanical drive system are comparable.Abstract Operational rapid Scan Weather Radar System (rd Conference on Radar Meteorology ( August ))...
The Weather Forecasting Office of Rapid City is now on the hill behind the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. In 1995 the school donated the land and has continued to be a close partner of our office ever since. December 11, 2005 Doppler Radar Also in December 1995, the Nati...
The capabilities of surveillance radar assets are being extended to provide Doppler-weather sensing at select major airports. Currently, the ASR-9 radar can be augmented with a wind-shear processor (WSP) to provide data on wind shear, gust fronts, storm tracks and local precipitation levels. The...
A real-time rapid refractivity retrieval platform for the national weather radar testbed phased array radar (NWRT PAR) is currently being developed at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA. From our previous efforts in the 2007 KTLX refractivity experiment [1], a software module to produce re...
The urban flood forecasting model is set up with the topographic data, the city map, the underground pipelines and land cover types, and two flood events are simulated with observed precipitation, one is interpolated from the rain gauges data, and another is estimated by digital weather radar. ...
The Integration of Optical, Topographic, and Radar Data for Wetland Mapping in Northern Minnesota. Can. J. Remote Sens. 2011, 37, 564–582. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Igwe, V.; Salehi, B.; Mahdianpari, M. State-wide wetland inventory map of Minnesota using multi-source and multi-...
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 1 Arc-Second Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 30 m grid spatial resolution was downloaded from https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ and re-sized to the study catchment at 1:50,000 scale (Figure 2a). An existing map of the Rocha River stream...
Cityclim.eu AVOSS cross-cpp.eu Citizen Science Upload observational weather datanew Missing permission The requested page is part of our paid offer. You need a personal account with an active subscription for additional features to be able to view this page. ...
20.Yahoo Weather API YahooWeatheris the weather service that powers the weather data on Yahoo.com. The Yahoo Weather API allows access to this data to get real-time weatherforecast data. You can request an invite to the API for commercial use. ...