The concept of Rapid Application Development (RAD) was conceived in the 1980s, so it isn’t a revolutionary concept. However, it is not singular like the waterfall model. This is a continuous evolution of development philosophies according to the requirements at the time. During the 1980s, Ba...
At the level of management of the documentation process, the object modeling requires many of the same documents as the waterfall or therapid application developmentmethods. However, it relies heavily on diagrams (such as the user case model diagram or the business model diagram) and on declaratio...
This Class Diagram, together with constraints over its elements is commonly known as a meta-model. 2. Subsequently, one models the Concrete Visual Syntax by associating a visual entity (such as an iconic shape [4]) of the application being developed, 3. One finally specifies UI behaviour ...
Schematic diagram of VIPA-based dual micro-Brillouin-Raman spectroscopy system. Abbreviations and labels: SHG second harmonic generation of 532 nm beam, λ/2 half wave plate, M mirror, PBS polarizing beam splitter, DBS Raman dichroic beam splitter, I2 Iodine molecular absorption cell, CL cylindric...
Fig. 13 shows the schematic diagram of the experimental system. Totally, it is composed of a mold cavity plate, a rapid mold heating/cooling system and a data acquisition system. The heating/cooling channels in the mold cavity plate are manufactured according to the optimal design case as ...
Model-Based Design Methodology for Rapid Development of Fuzzy Controllers on FPGAs The complexity reached by current applications of industrial control systems has motivated the development of new computational paradigms, as well as the e... S.,M.,E.,... - 《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Infor...
However, while the boundaries between each type of behaviour in the regime diagram may move, the overall trends are likely to be robust. Fig. 4: Subduction-initiation regime diagram. The diagram summarises of all the models run during this study. The magnitudes of the vertical pull force, ...
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of an actual volume flow cytometry system. The system is used in a fluorescence mode for the proposed study related to organelle (mitochondria) imaging. Laser of wavelength 532 nm with a beam-width of 1.5 mm is expanded using a beam-expander to expand th...
D Venn diagram quantifying downregulated proteins from all treatment groups. The 8 downregulated proteins shared between both active bioPROTAC (protein and mRNA delivery) groups are shown. E GO biological process enrichment analysis was performed on downregulated proteins unique to mRNA treatment, and ...
Fig. 1(a) shows a schematic diagram of the utilized building strategy and specimen microstructure observed from the front- and side-view. Here. the building direction is oriented along the y-axis, and the beam scanning direction is parallel to the z-axis. To investigate the epitaxial effect ...