保护Android apk包中的rapidapi密钥是确保应用程序安全的重要步骤。以下是一些方法来保护这些密钥: 1. 使用混淆技术:通过使用代码混淆工具,如ProGuard,可以混淆和压缩代码,使...
Often, it does this to prevent abuse or malicious use of the API in question. An API key can act as a secret authentication token as well as a unique identifier. Typically, the key will come with a set of access rights for the API that it is associated with. Related: API Keys on ...
CoinMarketCap API NodeJS / JavaScript Example NodeJS Request Snippet Example"") .header("X-RapidAPI-Key","{Your RapidAPI Key}") .header("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .end(function(...
功夫不负有心人,我终于在 RapidAPI 找到了一个封装了 DeepL 的 API —— DeepL Translator,速度很不错,价格也很实惠(免费版每个月 500,000 个字符,月费 $3.99 的版本每个月 15,000,000 个字符),重点是可以用中国信用卡注册!!! 所以我专门开发了此 Bob 插件,我甚至还实现了指定多 API KEY (用英文逗号...
{ api: officeTreeData, // 数据源 API 定义,支持 ztree 格式 params: { isLoadUser: true, userIdPrefix: '' }, // API 参数 canSelectParent: false, // 是否允许选择父级 allowClear: true, }, }, { label: t('子表数据'), field: 'testDataChildList', component: 'Input', colProps: {...
How to get Google Cloud Vision API Keys/Credentials Go toGoogle Consolethen projects page and enable billing for your project. Continue to activate the API, get an API key on the Credential page. (if you have an existing API key you can use it) ...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select Source Table listName-dynamic True string Select the Table you want to get items from. Item ID itemId True integer Numeric ID of the item to get Drive ID drive_id string Drive Item ID drive_item_id string Returns response object Create...
API; Listeria QC Set价格:价格电议产品详情:齐一生物专业代理ATCC、Microbiologics原装进口菌种,菌种附带批号提供证书,保障订购产品均为正品。保证菌种价格优惠,货期短稳... 货号:5139K 品牌:ATCC 产地:美国 API CORYNE Comprehensive QC Set价格:价格电议产品详情:齐一生物专业代理ATCC、Microbiologics原装进口菌种,菌种...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select Source Table listName-dynamic True string Select the Table you want to get items from. Item ID itemId True integer Numeric ID of the item to get Drive ID drive_id string Drive Item ID drive_item_id string Returns response object Create...