Rapid Medical Diagnostics was originally registered for the marketing and sales of test strips for the detection of Bilharzia (Schistosoma) antigen in urine. Rapid Medical Diagnostics has subsequently acquired worldwide exclusivity rights for the specific monoclonal antibodies and is now managing all comm...
[46]. This technology is also in development for HIV. Again, as Xpert HCV VL Fingerstick[42], this test would allow patients to get their results in one visit, facilitating their access to screening and diagnosis, maybe for both HIV and HCV at the same time, allowing co-infection ...
Subscribe to this journal Receive 12 print issues and online access 195,33 € per year only 16,28 € per issue Learn more Buy this article Purchase on SpringerLink Instant access to full article PDF Buy now Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkoutAdditi...
rapid PCR-based devices are sensitive and specific for EVD. The concordance is sufficiently high that rapid PCR may be a suitable replacement for definitive PCR in those areas where access to laboratories is very limited, although this requires confirmation in a diagnosticrandomized controlled trial....
Multi-disease testing units that are small, flexible, affordable, and easy to use will give people more than just knowledge and reassurance—they can give both access and agency to you and your family to make decisions that benefit your health and wellbeing. The Center for Workforce Health and...
About half of the world’s population has limited access to diagnostics [1]. However, if this gap is narrowed by 10% across select priority conditions, it is estimated that approximately 1.1 million premature deaths would be averted in LMICs [1]. This emphasises the potential impact of improve...
Rapid tests are particularly useful at facilities that have high rates of loss to follow-up, late presentation to ante-natal facilities, and limited laboratory access, where a same-day actionable result would be preferred. Studies have shown that there is a trade-off between the accuracy and ...
ArticleOpen access03 February 2024 Introduction Liver cancer was the seventh most frequent cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide in 20201. The incidence of newly diagnosed cases and age-standardized incidence rates of liver cancer have continued to increase globally in...
Rapid detection of African swine fever virus using Cas12a-based portable paper diagnostics Article Open access 07 April 2020 CRISPR/Cas12a technology combined with immunochromatographic strips for portable detection of African swine fever virus Article Open access 11 February 2020 Tracing the oomyce...
ArticleOpen access07 August 2024 Introduction The intrinsic metabolism is a major regulator of the immune environment, including metabolic activities associated with immune tolerance such as in transplantation and cancer [1,2,3]. The immunosuppressive agents used to prevent allograft rejection have serious...