意大利盛期文艺复兴大师拉斐尔(Raphael,1483–1520)的木板油画名作《草地上的圣母》(Madonna of the Meadow / Madonna del Prato,1505–06)及其细节,原名“圣母子与施洗约翰”(Madonna with the Christ Child...
Madonna in the Meadow1505 - 1506 Madonna of the Baldacchino1506oil,panel Madonna of the Clothc.1514oil,panel Madonna of the Cloth (detail)1514 The Judgment of Solomon1518 - 1519fresco Justinian Presenting the Pandects to Trebonianus (Stanza della Segnatura)1511fresco ...
The Grand Duke’s Madonna, 1505The Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Nicholas of Bari, 1505The Three Graces, 1505 Galatea, detail of putto, 1506Madonna in the Meadow, 1506Madonna of the Goldfinch, 1506 Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn, 1506Portrait of Agnolo Doni, ...
二、《草地上的圣母》 Madonna in the Meadow 《草地上的圣母》又称《圣母子与圣约翰》,是拉斐尔于1505年至1506年间创作。现藏于奥地利维亚纳的艺术史博物馆。该画是一幅由蛋彩和油画两种手法混合创作完成的木版画。 圣母裙衣的下摆处表明了画作完成的年份:1506。这件为了佛罗伦萨圣玛尔谷大殿中修士们礼拜堂所作...
Madonna in the Meadow,1505-1506 Madonna of the Goldfinch,1506 Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn,1505-1506 Portrait of Agnolo Doni,1505-1506 Portrait of Maddalena Doni,1506 Self Portrait,1506 St. George and the Dragon,1505-1506 The Holy Family,1506 ...
Prohaska, Wolfgang