How many surveys or online forms do you need to develop? How long is a typical form? How many people will respond to a typical form? How long does it take to decide what questions to ask? How long does it take to prepare a typical form for distribution?
Sample size calculator What margin of error can you accept? 5% is a common choice % The margin of error is the amount of error that you can tolerate. If 90% of respondents answeryes, while 10% answerno, you may be able to tolerate a larger amount of error than if the respondents ...
SurveyTools Plugins, EZSurvey Product Overview Technical Information Research & Development History About Raosoft Section 508 - Gov't Customers/Partners Online Form Advantages R.O.I. calculator XML Electronic Forms Database System Online Security
TableViewer & Utilities Sample Size Calculator Design Tips Successful Surveys Sample Survey Designs SurveyWin Design EZSurvey Web Tips Color/Format Templates ReferencesRaosoft, Inc. survey software has been used and trusted by companies and government agencies, both large and small, since 1991. ...
The demo is similar to the full program, but limited to working with small databases, and the bulk email feature is disabled. Please visit this site for the most up to date demo. Notice: This software is licensed to you for evaluation purposes only. Any sale or distribution of the include...
R.O.I. calculator XML Electronic Forms Database System Online Security Scanning "Your software is one of the few that lives up to expectations and then goes beyond." --Training Director "There are many stat packages in the market. But EZReport is the only one that provides stats the way ...
A new, free, online sample size calculator for 2004. Learn what sample size you need to obtain for your survey, or calculate Margin of Error or Confidence levels. This is the Sample Size option that has been embedded in the Raosoft SurveyWin product for many years, used over and over by...
Billing Address (Use for contracts) Raosoft, Inc. 6645 NE Windermere Road Seattle, WA 98115 Ph: (206) 525-4025 Fax: (206) 525-4947 Shipping Address 3513 NE 45th Street Suite 3W Seattle, WA 98105-5660
Double-click on a columnto sort the records by that column. Double-click again to reverse the sort order. For large databases, this could take a very long time. Double-click on a row headerto show a survey form view. If a form file (.ezf, .html, or .form) with a name matching...
Raosoft EZSurvey for the Internet is online survey software designed to make it easy for an average computer user to write web surveys and email surveys, gather responses online, and analyze results. EZSurvey's flexible architecture allows advanced computer users to go further, with an abundance ...