One is that, although the person is having a rant, they are trying to be constructive ("positive" has the same meaning as in "positive criticism"). The other is as an intensifier. How do you use rave and rant in a sentence? Just email me and rant and rave and I'll get back to ...
The meaning of RANT is to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner. How to use rant in a sentence.
I have been critical of the recall effort against Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek. The bar for recall was purposely set impossibly high by former Premier Jason Kenney and I still think the proponents of the recall, no matter how well-meaning are pissing in the wind if they think they will get ...
I am going to try and see this till the finish. If I were to describe this year in two words, I would carefully choose those words to be: “change” and “adversity”. I think those two words are not only powerful, but also the kind that exude meaning. They describe the kind of ...
in fact it was originally released before Thomas bought Baroque, meaning the data was changed, keep this in mind for later. This is one of hundreds of examples. In between threatening legal action and calling everyone an assholes and an idiot, he does go on to try to explain how this hap...
And this essay will probably be the snobbiest of the snobbiest in that it focuses on films that take a lot of their cues from philosophers, theologians and great thinkers. These are films that really try to get to the heart of what makes us, well, us; what is the meaning of the unive...
according to a new pilot study of court-based recidivism in seven provinces and two territories. Among these repeat offenders, 72% had multiple prior convictions. Nine out of ten offenders sentenced to a federal corrections facility (meaning at least a two year sentence) had at least one prior...
Bitter lake: searching for meaning in the afghan abyss 'We're your boys, you stupid bitch! We've brought back Mujahideen ghosts!' So shouts a disabled Russian serviceman to a woman who has asked him to stop his ranting and raving about the Afghan War of the 1980s on a subway train. ...
As always I keep meaning to post more, I’ve just been stressed, overworked, and have some personal issues going on. But let’s get to some quick thoughts on TV! “American Horror Story” is so bizarre, but I love it. I just can’t figure half of it out, but each show reveals ...
What were people seeking from that show? Social and spiritual guidance? The meaning of life? Will you now move on to Pawn Stars to seek deep spiritual revelations and philosophies? I am afraid that you are in for disappointment. Do I care that A&E has suspended the guy? No, I don’t...