After Johnny attempts to scalp Bill while pretending to be the heroic "Red Chief," the two kidnappers devise a plan to return him to his father. In the end, they pay Johnny's parents to get rid of the boy and run away as fast as they can. The Ransom of Red Chief Study Tools In ...
总的来说,《The Ransom of Red Chief》是一部充满幽默和讽刺色彩的短篇小说,它以独特的视角和生动的情节展现了人性的多面性和生活的不可预测性。通过这个故事,我们可以深刻体会到生活中的种种意外和惊喜,以及它们如何影响我们的命运和人生轨迹。
The ransom of red chief中文版, 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 红色酋长的赎金当比尔•德里斯科尔和我顺着阿拉巴马州南下的时候-想到了一个绑架的主意.我们挑选了一个叫埃比尼泽•多塞特的出名人物的独子作为对象.这是个十岁大的男孩,脸上布满雀斑,头发是那种你在等火车时在报摊上买的那种杂志的封面的颜色.一天...
Wepresent the short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story. It looked like a good thing. But wait till I tell you. We were down south, in Alabama – Bill Driscoll...
The Ransom of Red Chief 《红酋长的赎金》 听原声磨耳朵 更多学习资源可购买纸质绘本获取。 苏霍姆林斯基曾说“让学生变聪明的办法不是补课,不是增加作业,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。”可见英语阅读的重要性。 阅读书单 购买方式 ...
以下是欧·亨利小说‘The Ransom of Red Chief’ 的中文译文版本: 红毛酋长的赎金 [美]欧.亨利/著 王楫 康明强/译 看起来这是个好买卖;不过,你得等我把话说完。故事发生在我们——我和比尔.德里斯科尔——南下途中,经过啊拉巴马时突然起了这个绑票的念头。后来,比尔把这说成是“一时糊涂”,但我们当时并没...
欧·亨利短篇小说选:英汉双语第37章 The Ransom of Red ChiefItlookedlikeagoodthing:butwaittillItellyou.WeweredownSouth,inAlabama—BillDriscolla...
the ransom of red chief 读音:美英 the ransom of red chief基本解释 红酋长的赎金;红毛酋长的赎金;红色酋长的赎金 分词解释 ransom付赎金救人,赎金 red红色的 chief级别最高的 the ransom of red chief是什么意思 the ransom of red chief怎么读 the ransom of red chief在线翻译 the ransom of red chief...
The story "red chief the ransom." is wrote by famous American writer O. Henry .The story tell that two man kidnaps a boy who is son of a rich man in a cave, surprisely the child like the cavevery much and torrent two man terribly .At last the child's father ...
Just reading "The Ransom of Red Chief" , The story is very funny with black humor,like the Chinese saying “go for wool and come home shorn”. It makes me a movie named " Home Alone "。刚读了红酋长的赎金这篇小说,故事非常有趣,富有黑色幽默。正如这个谚语“偷鸡不成蚀把米...