读音:/jǐnɡ xián/ 警衔的英文翻译 police rankranks of police 警衔汉英翻译 police rank[法]警察衔级; 词组短语 中华人民共和国人民警察警衔条例Regulations of the People´s Republic of China on the Policemen Ranks of the People´s Police ...
The Landmacht is the land based part of the Dutch military. Its task are the following: To defend Dutch territory and that of NATO allies. To contribute to peace, stability and safety world wide. To support civil authorities in maintaining order, fightin
Article 2 A system of police ranks shall be practised for the people's police. The police ranks of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be governed by the provisions of Article 32 of the Regulations on the Military Ranks of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Article...
Theduties of the assistant superintendent of police in Nigeriaare specific and like the office, the assistant superintendent of police is solely responsible for majorly most of the activities carried out by the Nigerian Police. Themeaning of DPO in policeclearly spells out its functions in the Nige...
Ranks of Private Police Who Carry Guns, Make Arrests on the RiseJouvenal, Justin
Most shop managers have worked their way up through the ranks. 大部分的商店经理都是从普通员工干上来的。 7. N-COUNT A rank of people or things is a row of them. 排 例: Ranks of police in riot gear stood nervously by. 一排排配有防暴设备的警察紧张地站在一边。 8. V to arran...
(of an aeroplane) to move slowly along the ground before beginning to run forward for take-off.The plane taxied along the runway.rodar por la pista ˈtaximeternoun (usually abbreviated tometer) an instrumentusuallyfitted to taxis to show the fare owed for the distance travelled.taxímetro ...
Transitioning from military service to police work represents a shift in uniform but not in duty or dedication. This narrative is beautifully illustrated in the lives of several Chinese individuals who have moved from the ranks of the army to the critical role of law enforcement. Each of these ...
1 (of soldiers or police officers) fail to remain in line. 2 fail to maintain solidarity. See also: break, rank Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017 break ˈranks (of the members of a group) refuse to support a group or an organization of which they are members: Large num...
The rank of specialist was created in 1955 for the U.S. Army. Specialists may have roles such as medic, musician, engineer, or military police. During World War II, a similar position was called technician and was indicated by the letter T printed under the stripes of a corporal or ...