of the Table of Ranks itself and 18 “points,” or articles, which provided explications of the table and set fines for violation of the table. The points gradually became an anachronism, to the extent that in the 19th century they were left out of the Code of Laws of the Russian ...
The only reason he didn't take Moscow is because the weather was freezing not because of the Russian army totally underrated Added 8 years ago by guest, 8 points Austerlitz, Wagram, Yena, the Ulm maneuver. These are still studied at military academies. And you say HE WAS A WUSS?
The Russian Army was the most powerful force in the world during this time. When Hitler marched his troops during winter into Russian lands, the outcome for the Germans was sealed. The use of nuclear weapons during World War Two can be argued on both sides as to whether it was necessary....