Campus Ethnic Diversity National Liberal Arts Colleges Students may want to consider the racial and ethnic diversity of a college campus when choosing a school. To identify colleges where students are most likely to encounter undergraduates from racial or ethnic groups different from their own, U.S...
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We promote the value of a liberal arts degree to students, parents, and high school counselors, and give liberal arts schools the opportunity to highlight their unique characteristics. Our goal is to make it easy for students to discover top liberal arts colleges. ...
Pomona College, one of the Claremont Colleges, is an exclusively-undergraduate, private, liberal arts school that enrolls about 1,600 students per year. Students are required to take at least one class from each of 5 areas: Creative Expression; Social Institutions and Human Behavior; History, ...
Struggling to choose a college?'s data-driven insights are designed to help simplify this all-important choice. Find the best colleges for your money via our unique college rankings, compare colleges via the scorecard, and dive deep in
Major accolades came to one of Maine's most prestigious colleges recently.US News & World Reportreleased itsannual list of the best liberal arts colleges in AmericaandBowdoin Collegefound itself in the Top-10. The Brunswick private university came in with a ranking of 6th in the nation. It ...
Geoscience Research at Liberal Arts Colleges: School RankingsUNITED StatesGEOLOGICAL researchHUMANISTIC educationLiberal arts colleges have in recent years placed an in-creasing emphasis on research. In this environment of in-creased interest in research at liberal arts colleges we present a ranking of ...
As the popularity of rankings has increased, so have the number of research studies attempting to better understand the impact rankings have on college/university admissions outcomes. In the past, these studies have focused almost exclusively on elite national universities and liberal arts colleges. ...
America’s Best Bang for the Buck Colleges 2015 – West [college-guide-rankings year=”2015″ type=”liberal_arts”] Support theWashington Monthly At this moment of deep political division, bold ideas to preserve American democracy are more important than ever. ...