最近的QS World University Ranking 2024发布引发了一片热议,尤其是多所澳洲学校排名飙升,更有墨尔本大学仅此于耶鲁位居世界大学第19位。澳洲的同学固然开心,但其他地区的学生恐怕都会觉得这个排名有失公允。所以我们今天就以一所非常典型的学校-University of Washington来讨论一下QS ranking的标准。 UW-Seattle的排名在...
7# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 9# KAIST 9# Stanford University斯坦福大学 9# Univ. of California - San Diego 9# University of Michigan 9# University of Washington华盛顿大学 14# Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 14# National University of Singapore新加坡国立大学 14# U...
Washington and Lee University United States Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil University of Tennessee - Knoxville United States Universidade Federal do Para Brazil Murdoch University Australia Guizhou Institute of Technology China University ...
爱丁堡大学 | University of Edinburgh 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 | University of California–San Diego 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 | University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 香港大学 | University of Hong Kong 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | Washington University in St. Louis 东京大学 | University of Tokyo 杜克大学 | Duke University...
RoboMaster University Series Scoring and Ranking System:https://www.robomaster.com/en-US/robo/rm/integral?djifrom=nav The publicity period is from October 21, 2024 to 18:00 on October 25th, 2024(UTC+8). In the early stage of the publicity, if you have any questions, please contact the ...
6# Univ. of California - San Diego#N/A 6# University of Minnesota明尼苏达大学双城分校 6# University of Washington华盛顿大学 2.2全球交叉学科排名前20的大学 11# Cornell University康奈尔大学 11# George Mason University#N/A 11# Northeastern University东北大学 ...
University of Washington United States Rakuno Gakuen University Japan University of Hormozgan Iran Rey Juan Carlos University Spain Ningde Normal University China Hainan Normal University China Beykent University Turkey Marmara University Turkey Universidad del Desarrollo Chile Heihe University China The Univers...
23 University of Chicago 3 1 23 University of Notre Dame 3 5 23 Washington State University 3 5 26 George Mason University 2.8 3 27 University at Buffalo 2.7 5 27 University of Massachusetts Amherst 2.7 5 29 Syracuse University 2.6 3 29 University of Washington 2.6 6 31 Harvard University ...
Here are the best global universities Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Stanford University University of Oxford University of California Berkeley University of Cambridge University College London University of Washington Seattle Columbia University Yale University See the full rankin...
This resistance to rankings has now begun in the world of science. This is a great sign. In announcing its decision, the dean of Washington University’s medical school said, “…it is time to stop participating in a system that does not serve our students or their future patients.” 1....