2# Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3# Stanford University斯坦福大学 4# University of Maryland - College Park 5# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 5# Univ. of California - San Diego 7# Univ. of California - Los Angeles 8# Univ. of California - Berkeley 9# University of W...
15# Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign#N/A 15# University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 18# University of Colorado Boulder#N/A 18# University of Massachusetts Amherst#N/A 18# University of Southern California南加州大学 18# University of Texas at Austin#N/A 2.3全交叉学科排名前30的大学 2...
10南昌大学Nanchang University17.8400 11广东工业大学Guangdong University of Technology17.5000 12哈尔滨工业大学Harbin Institute of Technology17.3600 13上海工程技术大学Shanghai University Of Engineering Science16.7600 14南方科技大学Southern University of Science and Technology16.6000 ...
65 57 University of Colorado at Boulder United States 66 66 Vanderbilt University United States 67 59 University of Zurich Switzerland 68 71 National University of Singapore Singapore 69 88 The University of Hong Kong China-Hong Kong 69 76 University of Groningen Netherlands 69 68 Weizmann Institute...
National Institute of Science Education Research India Hirosaki University Japan National Pingtung University of Science and Technology China-Taiwan University of the French Antilles France Democritus University of Thrace Greece Harbin Guangxia University China University of Colorado at Boulder United States Hu...
洛克菲勒大学 | The Rockefeller University 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大学 | King AbdulAziz University 佐治亚理工学院 | Georgia Institute of Technology 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 | University of Colorado Boulder 德克萨斯大学西南医学中心 | University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas ...
Pohang University of Science and Technology South Korea Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India University of Chichester United Kingdom Dartmouth College United States University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene Algeria The Islamia University of Bahawalpur ...
1. University of Colorado–Boulder 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3. Harvard University (MA) 4. Stanford University (CA) 5. California Institute of Technology University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 7. University of California–Berkeley
45Weizmann Institute of ScienceIsrael18> 1000224452926946Heidelberg UniversityGermany1718075163645147University of Maryland, College ParkUSA311034805592724548Ludwig Maximilian University of MunichGermany2912668353574249Karolinska InstituteSweden1162> 10004667534650University of Colorado BoulderUSA321341704114511140...
182 Univ Colorado - Boulder 5871 964 16.4% 183 Univ Birmingham 5865 844 14.4% 184 Tech Univ Denmark 5860 775 13.2% 185 Univ Adelaide 5860 789 13.5% 186 Univ Hamburg 5830 601 10.3% 187 Charles Univ 5824 355 6.1% 188 China Agr Univ 5779 601 10.4% 189 Univ Illinois - Chicago...