Ranking90 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham Ranking92 利兹大学 University of Leeds Ranking95 谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield 澳洲方向 Ranking27 澳大利亚国立大学 The Australian National University Ranking37 墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne Ranking38 悉尼大学 The University of Sydney Ranking43...
Birmingham is home to three globally renowned universities: the University of Birmingham, Aston University and Birmingham City University. Low cost of living Despite having high international tuition fees, Birmingham on of the more affordable English universities; with monthly costs of around £640,com...
明尼苏达大学 | University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 新南威尔士大学 | University of New South Wales 韩国科学技术院 | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | University of Texas–Austin 海德堡大学 | Heidelberg University 匹兹堡大学 | University of Pittsburgh 鲁汶大学 |...
Nanjing Police University China University of Mazandaran Iran University of Montreal Canada Port Said University Egypt University of Primorska Slovenia Mingde College of Guizhou University China Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Bangladesh University of Birmingham United Kingdom Ecole Nationale ...
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The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024 offers important insights into the scientific performance of over 1500 major universities worldwide. Select your preferred indicators, generate results, and explore the performance of universities.
1# Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学 2# Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3# Stanford University斯坦福大学 4# University of Maryland - College Park 5# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 5# Univ. of California - San Diego ...
North China University of Technology China University of Birmingham United Kingdom Chang Gung University of Science and Technology China-Taiwan University of Beira Interior Portugal Xi'an Jiaotong University China University of Gondar Ethiopia Tarleton State University United States Minnan Normal University ...
37 University of Richmond (VA) 84% 145 10855 41% 40% 21 59 106 38 Colgate University (NY) 90% 82 11633 41% 37% 32 33 104 39 Simmons College of Kentucky (KY) 23% 1 5656 N/A 87% 4 195 189 40 Saint Mary's College (IN) 78% 67 14787 43% 49% 19 122 69 41 New College ...
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