44# University of Chicago芝加哥大学 2、csrankings2024[人工智能完整版]排名 1# Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学 2# Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3# Stanford University斯坦福大学 4# University of Maryland - College Park 5# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 5# Univ. of Cali...
斯坦福大学 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的计算机专业可谓是该校的王牌专业,隶属于工程学院。在计算机科研方面,斯坦福无论在理论、数据库、软件、硬件、AI等各个领域都是实力强劲的顶级高手。 斯坦福大学地理位置非常有优势,背靠硅谷,有着理论与实践相结合的优秀学术背景,其CS专业非常受欢迎,竞争也非常激烈。同时,专业...
1 1 1 1 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University Princeton, NJ 2 2 2 4 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 3 3 2 2 哈佛大学 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 3 3 6 6 斯坦福大学 Stanford University Stanford, CA 5 3 5 4 耶鲁大学 Yale University New Haven, CT 6 7 8...
1# Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学 2# Stanford University斯坦福大学 2# University of Michigan#N/A 4# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 4# University of Maryland - College Park#N/A 6# Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 6# Univ. of California - Berkeley#N/A 6#...
1# Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学 2# Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3# Stanford University斯坦福大学 4# University of Maryland - College Park 5# Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院 5# Univ. of California - San Diego ...
The ranking focused on student satisfaction, post-graduate success, student debt, graduation rate and nationally competitive awards. Stanford University tops the 2013 list, edging Princeton out of first place into the No. 3 spot and Pomona College moved up to No. 2 from ninth place last year....
2. 🇺🇸 Stanford3. 🇺🇸 MIT4. 🇬🇧 Cambridge5. 🇺🇸 Berkeley6. 🇺🇸 Princeton7. 🇬🇧 Oxford8. 🇺🇸 Columbia9. 🇺🇸 California Institute of Technology10. 🇺🇸 University of Chicago.11. 🇺🇸 Yale12. 🇺🇸 Cornell...
与往常一样,美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)在上海排名中位列第一,美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)排名第二,美国麻省理工学院(De Academic Ranking of World Universities)排名第三,意味着今年前三名都是美国的大学。 英国剑桥大学今年从去年的第三位跌至今年的第四位。
Harvard University Cambridge, MA, United States 1 1 1 Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge, MA, United States 1 1 - Harvard Medical School Online Boston, MA, United States 1 1 - Stanford University Stanford, CA, United States 2 2 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambrid...
Stanford University was founded in 1885 by former California Governor and Senator Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane, to memorialize their son, Leland Stanford Junior. Their intent was to establish a "University of high degree" that would “qualify students for personal success and direct ...