50 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita Share: List of countries by GDP: overview Every year, the IMF and the World Bank calculate the gross domestic product, or GDP, of all countries in the world. Based on this indicator, a rating of the richest countries is formed. The ...
EnglishproficiencyislikelysymptomaticofbroaderpoliticalanddemographicshiftsaswellasgrowingconfidencequestioningWesternculturalhegemonyineducation. TheMiddleEastlooksstuck TheaveragelevelofEnglishproficiency intheMiddleEasthasimprovedoverthe pastdecade,butonlyduetotheadditionofhigherproficiencycountriestotheindex....
Production depends on the nature of the soil, the amount of rainfall, irrigation, quality of seeds, and the techniques applied to promote growth. Agriculture is still a major sector in many economies, and agricultural activities provide developing countries with food and revenue. But agricultural ...
definition of forest. Although FAO provides a breakdown of forest cover between natural forest and plantation for developing countries, this indictor data does not reflect that breakdown. Thus the deforestation data may underestimate the rate at which natural forest is disappearing in some countries. ...
ranking second in the world for countries with the most pasture lands. These lands are primarily grazed by beef, sheep, and dairy livestock. It is forecasted that the total value of livestock exports from Australian agriculture will reach 27.46 billion Australian dollars in the fiscal year of ...
Renowned for its distinctive mix of eminent scholarship, academic rigor and commitment to public service, it attracts more than 20,000 students from every state in the Union and over 120 countries. They learn from a world-class faculty teaching more than 5,000 courses and participate in cutting...
(which ranks countries on performance indicators covering environmental health including water, air pollution and the environmental burden of disease; and ecosystem vitality, comprising forestry, fisheries, agriculture, climate change and biodiversity, among others) from the fifty-eighth position in the ...
In The 8th International Days of Statistics and Economics Conference Proceedings September 11–13, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic (pp. 1197–1207). Poledníková, E., & Třída, S. (2014). Comparing regions ranking by MCDM methods: The case of Visegrad countries. WSEAS Transactions on Business...
Currently, about 1219 international students from various countries and region are studying in the university for their master’s or doctor’s degrees. Southeast University’s research fund reached RMB 1658 million in 2014. The applications for invention patents total 1914, of which 703 are licensed...
The ranking,now in its second year, shows that companies in sectors including fintech, renewable energy, healthcare, commodities and agriculture were managing to grow their businesses while much of the world shut down. Africa’s Fastest Growing Companies 2023...