of adults in the UK find it somewhat or very difficult to obtain out-of-hours care, one of the highest rates in any country surveyed.2 Of the top three countries, Norway and the Netherlands spend 28% and 20% more per capita, respectively, on health than the UK3; until very recently ...
Education FirstEF EPIEF English Prociency IndexA Ranking of 113 Countries and Regions by English SkillsepiEF SETEF Stand
The ranking,now in its second year, shows that companies in sectors including fintech, renewable energy, healthcare, commodities and agriculture were managing to grow their businesses while much of the world shut down. Africa’s Fastest Growing Companies 2023...
These rankings have been widely cited in public debates about health care, particularly by those interested in reforming the U.S. health care system to resemble more closely those of other countries. Michael Moore, for instance, famously stated in his film that the United States placed only 3...
We validate our findings with two external datasets recording 42,151 additional NPIs from 226 countries. Our results indicate that a suitable combination of NPIs is necessary to curb the spread of the virus. Less disruptive and costly NPIs can be as effective as more intrusive, drastic, ...
Aim: To test the hypothesis that the DMFT index does not adequately reflect the dental status as well as the FS-T index by comparing the country rankings of the DMFT and the FS-T indices in 18 and 35–44 year-olds in a range of countries. The FS-T is the number of filled or ...
11,960 16,880 Ratoong - Search and Rate ski resorts - Ratoong is made by riders for riders. We built ... 68 8 months agoLogin Top Ranking Countries New Startups SR Booster SR Advertising Create Startup FAQ What is a startup? How It Works About Privacy Policy Terms of Service ...
The active alumni network consists of over 210,000 graduates from more than 180 countries. Notable graduates include BBC newsreader Huw Edwards, the Olympic gold medallist Nicole Cooke, and a previous national poet of Wales, Gillian Clarke. Academic Ranking of World Universities 151-200 Academic ...
of the group’s leadership who reside in their countries; enhancing disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reinsertion and resettlement efforts, including sensitization through information campaigns, and exploring ways to further attract the voluntary return of FDLR combatants and promote the durable ...
Brand Footprint: the studyKantar’s annual Brand Footprint study is based on research from 72% of the global population; a total of one billion households in 49 countries across five continents—covering 85% of the global GDP. As part of the study, Worldpanel tracks more than 21,400 brand...