Wes Craven advanced horror withScreamin more ways than one and it's now seen as one of the best horror movies of all time, slasher or otherwise. The film follows a group of teens reeling from the death of two classmates. Unfortunately for Sydney Prescott and her cohorts, the murders aren'...
MovieRanker is the world's best social movie platform. Discover new movies, theater movies, preview movies trailers, movie news and more that match your preferences, share or receive the best movie recommendations, or connect with other movie-lovers to discuss your favorite films. Become an ...
The Best Villains In The Marvel Cinematic Universe Teen Movies The Greatest Movie Jocks Current Politics Fictional Political Candidates You'd Cast Your Ballot For Horror The Best Characters In Slasher Movies Tim Burton The 20 Best Characters In Tim Burton Movies, Ranked ...
The Best Kids Shows On Netflix In 2025, Ranked #8.Next Gen The Best Children's and Kids' Movies on Netflix #17.Boys Over Flowers The 150+ Best K-Dramas On Netflix, Ranked Rotten Tomatoes Rotten Tomatoes Reveals The Best Netflix Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of ...
Fans of Ranker already namedThe Thingthebest horror remakes of all time, so it is no surprise it also ranks among the favorite alien invasion movies as well. From the gruesome creature designs to the unrelenting paranoia of the story, The Thing is seen by many as a horror movie masterpiece...
Join us as we explore the world of PG-13 horror and find out what makes these movies so scary... or not. For fan mail or business inquiries email us at: whispersfromthedarkpodcast@gmail.com In the mood to watch us? Check out our Youtube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@Whisp...
Chris Hemsworth plays one of the main five, taking on the role of Curt, the jock stereotype. Fans enjoy Hemsworth's portrayal in the film, being one of the few horror movies he has starred in. His portrayal of Curt also added to his career breakout, asJoss Wheadon, director ofThor 1...
16 on the list of the Best Horror TV Shows Of All Time. Eleven's Sister Kali Returns In Season 4 - Which Might Not Excite Many Fans Photo: Stranger Things/Netflix While Stranger Things has been almost unanimously beloved by its fans, there was one moment that rocked the boat just a ...
The 30 Best Xbox Series X/S Horror Games (Includes 2024 Releases) Latest: Survival horror is better with friends? Still Boldly GoingStar Trek Franchise Editor’s pick The Best Shows & Movies Set in the Future ranking on ranker #2 40% of list voters voted up Star Trek Franchise onThe Bes...