参数为Width=15,Height= 15,Number= 200时,算法输出的结果区域: 使用halcon输出的结果区域: 可以看到自研算法和halcon输出结果一致,下面测试算法运行速度,循环执行500次平均耗时如下:
HALCON Website / HALCON Operator Reference / Regions / Transformations HDevelop .NET Python C++ C Operators rank_region (Operator) Namerank_region— Rank operator for regions.Signaturerank_region(Region : RegionCount : Width, Height, Number : ) ...
rank_region(Region : RegionCount : Width, Height, Number : ) Descriptionrank_region calculates the binary rank operator. A filter mask of size Height x Width) is used. In the process, for each point in the region the number of points of Region lying within the filter mask are counted. ...