matrixrankcompletionpursuitsrebrojaggi Rank-OneMatrixPursuitforMatrixCompletion ZhengWang ∗ ZHENGWANG@ASU.EDU Ming-JunLai † MJLAI@MATH.UGA.EDU ZhaosongLu ‡ ZHAOSONG@SFU.CA WeiFan § DAVID.FANWEI@HUAWEI HasanDavulcu ¶ HASANDAVULCU@ASU.EDU JiepingYe ∗¶ JIEPING.YE@ASU.EDU ∗ The...
In this paper, we present an efficient and scalable algorithm for matrix completion. The key idea is to extend the well-known orthogonal matching pursuit from the vector case to the matrix case. In each iteration, we pursue a rank-one matrix basis generated by the top singular vector pair ...
For example, Wang et al. [15] extended the orthogonal matching pursuit method from the vector case to the matrix case and completed the matrix by tuning the rank. Vandereycken [16] proposed using low-rank nonlinear conjugated gradients in Euclidean space to perform optimization on manifolds (LR...
In this paper, we propose an efficient and scalable algorithm for matrix completion. The key idea is to extend the well known orthogonal matching pursuit from the vector case to the matrix case. In each iteration, we pursue a rank-one matrix basis generated by the top singular vector pair ...