The Avengers debut was in September of 1963, as a team of the "Earth's Mightiest Heroes." The original team of the Avengers had Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor and the Wasp. The Avengers concept worked well because it was open-ended, allowing new superheroes to join. ...
The entire Marvel blueprint is there: Superheroes teaming up to fight seemingly unbeatable foes, wielding amazing powers, and quippy dialog in equal proportion. Fast-forward 20 years, and “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” closed the franchise with a whimper, both from critics and at the box office....
The entire Marvel blueprint is there: Superheroes teaming up to fight seemingly unbeatable foes, wielding amazing powers, and quippy dialog in equal proportion. Fast-forward 20 years, and “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” closed the franchise with a whimper, both from critics and at the box office....