WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Ruroki-grobbulus December 8, 2024, 3:07am 1 Normal behavior: using a plain spell from your actionbar on a low level ally will automatically downrank the spell as needed to heal the target Macro behavior: spell is not cast, says “Target is too...
I just enrolled as a golden patron on WCL but can’t get my wow classic log ranked, here’s the link, it said " There are no ranks in this report for this boss. If the zone is frozen (e.g., an older zone or an older rankin…
Game VersionsView all 1.15.5 1.15.4 FlavorsView all Classic Categories PvP Main File 1.15.5 Rank Marshal 1.0.2 ReleaseR Classic Dec 4, 2024 Recent FilesView all WoW Classic Rank Marshal 1.0.2 ReleaseR Classic Dec 4, 2024 Members McFiniganOwnerReport...
WoW Classic Season of Discovery Kaivax (Kaivax) November 30, 2023, 6:28pm 1 To answer a question we’ve seen from players who are planning to focus on ranking up in Season of Discovery — we’re adding caps to the rank you can achieve during each phase. We want to enable everyone...
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Mee-Wow A Fantastic clear This method has proven effective for me for the past several S-rankable dungeons and does not require insane combo skills (and thus stress). The main selling points are that you just need to focus on 1 colour and a TPA ...
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