中国国际学院(International Chinese College,简称ICC),其前身是成立于1998年的“中国•东盟自由贸易区研究院”,后变身为“中文商学院”,隶属于兰实大学管理学院。2009年更名为“中国商学院”。2013年7月,为了适应社会发展的需求,打造中泰教育合作的新平台,兰实大学正式将“中国商学院”改名并升级为“中国国际学院”...
Founded in 1986, now Rangsit University International College (RIC) provides 23 international programs with opportunities for exchange, having double or joint degree with our partner universities. Programs covers wide range of fields of study, such as Science, Business, Design and Languages. College ...
Rangsit University International College lead by RIC dean and lecturers, in partnership with RIC senior students and high school students launched on Saturday, April 28, “Mangrove Restoration Project” in Chonburi. Mangroves are the rainforests by the sea and they are vital for healthy coastal eco...
兰实大学也是海外研习大学联盟 (University Studies Abroad Consortium, USAC) 会员。该组织由全球超过400所大学组成,兰实大学被选为USAC亚洲地区代表。 兰实大学各院系与学士专业设置情况 院系名称,本科学士专业学系 医学院(College of Medicine) 药学院(College of Pharmacy) 制药科学系、药学监护系 理学院(Facult...
社会创新学院(College of Social Innovation) 社会、商业、政治领导力学系 传媒艺术学院(College of Communication Arts) 多平台广播电视系、公共关系和企业传播系、创新广告与创意媒体系、数字电影系、主题数字媒体系、表演艺术传媒系、数字营销传媒系、多媒体系、体育传媒系、影视写作与导演系 ...