游戏名称: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers III 中文名: 金刚战士III 别名: Power Rangers III, Power Rangers IV 中文别名: 金刚战士IV 开发商:Hummer Team 发行商:JY Company 游戏平台:Unlicensed NES 发行于中国台湾: 1995 本游戏有隐藏的开发商字幕.
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WikiMatrix The academy was specially designed to train commandos, and the 766th was originally designed to supervise North Korean light infantry ranger units. 该学院专门负责训练突击队员,而第766步兵团最初的训练目标是负责督导朝鲜的轻步兵部队。 LASER-wikipedia2 You know, like the Lone Ranger....
WikiMatrix The academy was specially designed to train commandos, and the 766th was originally designed to supervise North Korean light infantry ranger units. 该学院专门负责训练突击队员,而第766步兵团最初的训练目标是负责督导朝鲜的轻步兵部队。 LASER-wikipedia2 You know, like the Lone Ranger....
日本语Wiki上说,本作是Capcom最后一个FC游戏软件。《松鼠大作战2》是一个单人或者双人合作游戏。游戏为横向卷轴,玩家控制着Chip或者Dale。它们能够行走,跳跃和捡拾东西。游戏中的两只动物实际上并非松鼠(squirrel),而是花栗鼠(chipmunk)。日版名:チップとデールの大作戦2罗马音:Chip To Dale No Daisakusen 2汉语...