A micro module and nano module adapter are included to ensure the Ranger is compatible with most radios on the market today. A cable has also been included for use with Futaba radios that are CRSF capable.Combo PackageThe Ranger Combo package is the ideal way to get started in the world ...
Is the protocol available yet in the Multi Protocol Modules or radios? It seems to fly rather similarly to the WLToys F959, but with the big advantage that it is 1S and quite a bit smaller and lighter, so very suitable for indoors, which the F959 is not. I'd certainly be tempted if...
Stock radios are generally pretty weak, and even new speakers won't operate to their fullest. Plan on speakers that exceed this rating (but not by much). Find out the dimensions of the speakers you have now, and then you have a list. The optimal way is to get an aftermarket head ...