Ranged weapons are weapons which deal ranged damage, usually on contact with a projectile shot by the weapon, and consume ammunition when used. They come in the form of bows, guns, rocket launchers, dart guns and flamethrowers, which use arrows, bullets,
http://nterraria.wikia.com/wiki/N_Terraria_Wiki 分享320赞 d&d吧 染指烟圈 野性的主宰--进阶职业-密林射手进阶职业-密林射手 密林射手(Deepwood Sniper) 一羽箭矢从高山上的堡垒呼啸而下,精准的命中了圣骑士的坐骑。认为这不过会是一点小伤的圣骑士 分享1赞 生化危机吧 拉面→玩家 A9【严重剧透可能】生5前...