import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object Demo2Partition { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { /** * 创建上下文对象 * */ val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("partition") .setMaster("local") //设置spark 默认分区数 ...
准备一个调度参数,例如pt_date=$[yyyymmdd]。 在导入前准备语句中配置如下SQL: ALTERTABLE`pt_write_test_tb1`ADDPARTITION(PARTITIONpt${pt_date}VALUESLESS THAN ('${pt_date}')); 查询目标表中被写入分区表的数据。 查询整表数据: SELECT*FROMpt_write_test_tb1; 返回示例: +---+---+---+|id|n...
partition p201809 values less than (to_days('2018-10-01')), partition p201810 values less than (to_days('2018-11-01')), partition p201811 values less than (to_days('2018-12-01')), partition p201812 values less than (to_days('2019-01-01')), partition p201901 values less than (...
-- get @function_id base on @partition_function if len(@partition_function) > 0 begin select @function_id = function_id from sys.partition_functions where name = @partition_function if @function_id is null return 1 end -- get partition range select partition_function = ,t.partiti...
組件:Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql (在 Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.dll 中) 語法 C# publicenumSqlPartitionRange 成員 成員名稱說明 Unknown指定範圍未知。 Left指定界限值屬於間隔的左邊。 Right指定界限值屬於間隔的右邊。 請參閱 參考 Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel 命名空間...
create table t1( col1 int not null, col2 date not null, col3 int not null, col4 int not null, unique key(col1,col2,col3,col4) )partition by hash(col3) partitions 4; 如果建表时没有指定主键/唯一索引,可以指定任何一个列为分区列,因此下面两句创建分区的SQL语句都可以正确运行: ...
PostgreSQL 10 build-in table partition(Range) 1.下载 rpm知识库包 操作系统版本:CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) X64 [root@localhost home]# yum install
Description: Partition prune cannot remove the first partition when : 1, range partitioning 2, part_expr is to_days('xxxx') 3, the sql where conditions range is more than 1 months The part_id 0 is alwags set in part_info->read_partitions after partition pruning How to repeat: CREATE ...
注释 The boundary value supplied should be an existing boundary value within the partition function. Data is moved to the resulting merged partition. 示例 使用文件组和文件存储数据
boundary_id int 界限值元組的標識碼 (1 型序數),最左邊的界限從標識碼 1 開始。 parameter_id int 這個值對應之函式的參數標識碼。 此數據行中的值會對應至任何特定function_id sys.partition_parameters目錄檢視parameter_id數據行中的值。 value sql_variant 實際界限值。權限...