and indicates the critical maximum and minimum limits of that abiotic variable that the organism can withstand. Species may exhibit very wide or relatively narrow tolerance ranges, and may have very high or low tolerance limits, depending on their biology and the environments to which they are ...
The tolerance of the European sea bass to high salinities was determined through abrupt and gradual transfers to different hyperosmotic media. Mortality rate reached roughly 50% in fish abruptly transferred to 70 psu salinity and in fish gradually adapted to 90 psu salinity. All fish abruptly tran...
Muscles are biology’s force or effort generators, and generating effort costs us energy. How muscles work in applying force is essential to the understanding of lever action in anatomy. There are three ways that muscles can apply a force (Fig. 1.2.5j). These are divided into isometric ...
Ahasl1 is a multilallelic locus where all the induced and natural mutations for herbicide tolerance were described thus far in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The allele Ahasl1-1 confers moderate tolerance to imidazolinone (IMI), Ahasl1-2, and Ahasl1-3 provides high levels of tolerance so...
In addition to reaction time and tolerance to variation of cycling conditions, we were also interested in cost per reaction for these enzymes, for practical purposes of large-scale applications. Comparing the reaction time and price among these six enzymes, the PrimeSTAR polymerase stands out with...
Thermal biology and latitudinal range size relationships in European diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Absolute thermal tolerance range is the best predictor of both species' latitudinal range extent and position, differences in dispersal ability (based on ... P Calosi,DT Bilton,JI Spicer,.....
1.1. The goal of niche modelling There is also a positive case for presence-only modelling. Central to the idea of the niche is the ecological concept of tolerance [10,20]. We start with the joint distribution of envi- ronments in nature p(z), z [ Rx (see tab...
For a given k (k ≥ dL, where dL is the s-t link distance), one can compute a path in a simple polygon P whose length is guaranteed to be within a factor (1 + ε) of the length of a shortest k-link path, for any tolerance ε > 0. The algorithm runs in time O(n3k3 log...
tolerancethermalbiologyDespite the importance of understanding the mechanisms underlying range limits and abundance structure, few studies have sought to do so. Here we use a terrestrial slug species, Deroceras panormitanum, that has invaded a remote, largely predator-free, Southern Ocean island as ...
Current cancer precision medicine strategies match therapies to static consensus molecular properties of an individual’s cancer, thus determining the next therapeutic maneuver. These strategies typically maintain a constant treatment while the cancer is