必应词典为您提供Range-forward的释义,网络释义: 范围远期;区间远汇;波动远期;
必应词典为您提供forward-range的释义,网络释义: 前向区间;前进档范围;
Range Forward A forex exchange rate agreement that specifies maximum and minimum prices for trading on a future date. Random Finance Terms for the Letter S Range Forward RAR Ratable Accrual Method Rate Anticipation Swaps Rate Lock Rate of Change ...
Range Forward A forex exchange rate agreement that specifies maximum and minimum prices for trading on a future date. Random Finance Terms for the Letter S Range Forward RAR Ratable Accrual Method Rate Anticipation Swaps Rate Lock Rate of Change ...
Instead of a specific price, the range forward contract locks in a range of prices for the underlying asset. This lets the holder benefit from small moves in prices while protecting himself from larger moves. A range forward contract sets a range of prices for the underlying asset and a ...
A range forward contract is a zero-cost forward contract that creates a range of exercise prices through two derivative market positions.
链:因为DNA是双链,所以基因的特征信息(gene feature)可以存储在正链(positive/forward)或者负链(negative/reverse) strand 需要注意的是,坐标信息与参考基因组相关,因此在讨论ranges的时候要注意基因组的版本号,比如chr15:27,754,876-27,755,076这个区间在不同版本的基因组中就表示不同信息,尤其是在和别人共享信息...
std::ranges::forward_range 定义于头文件<ranges> template<classT> concept forward_range= range::input_range<T>&&std::forward_itertor<ranges::iterator_t<T>>; forward_range概念是range的细化,对于实现的类型,ranges::begin返回forward_iterator的实现。
input.selectionDirection—— 选择方向,其中之一:“forward”,“backward” 或“none”(例如使用鼠标双击进行的选择), 事件: input.onselect—— 当某个东西被选择时触发。 方法: input.select()—— 选择文本控件中的所有内容(可以是textarea而不是input), ...