Yang-Baxter equation in spin chains with long range interactions We consider the $ su(n) $ spin chains with long range interactions and the spin generalization of the Calogero-Sutherland models. We show that their proper... D Bernard,M Gaudin,FDM Haldane,... - 《Physics》 被引量: 67发表...
We investigate the short-range correlations in light nuclei. The highly correlated many-body states are obtained with an explicitly correlated basis which enables us to get a precise solution of a many-body Schrödinger equation for a realistic interaction. We show two-body density distributions ...
This can be viewed as a simple modification of the equation of state. When phenomenologically acceptable parameters are used, the resulting effects on the star structure are unobservable.doi:10.1086/168229M. MembradoA. F. PachecoH. Vucetich
This paper is concerned with the simulation of the partial differential equation driven evolution of a closed surface by means of an implicit representation... Jose Gomes,O Faugeras - 《Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation》 被引量: 681发表: 2000年 A Survey on Shape Correspondenc...
We contrast four distinct versions of the BCS–Bose statistical crossover theory according to the form assumed for the electron–number equation that accom... SK Adhikari,MD Llano,FJ Sevilla,... - 《Physica C-superconductivity & Its Applications》 被引量: 113发表: 2005年 ...
[Equation (3)]. We can define the subspaceSN(the isolated state) as the one spanned by this isolated state|ψN⟩, and the subspaceSN−1(the band) as the one spanned by the restN−1eigenstates|ψi⟩. Due to the large gapΔ∼NxNyγ, these two subspaces are barely mixed ...
VA Burov,NVAD Rumyantseva - 《Acoustical Physics》 被引量: 60发表: 2009年 The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem for the wave equation A constructive method is given for solving the inverse scattering problem for the wave equation on the line and half-line. The slowness function is ass...
The Balescu-Lenard kinetic equation generic... JB Fouvry,PH Chavanis,C Pichon - 《Physical Review E》 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 Operator Lévy Flight: Light Cones in Chaotic Long-Range Interacting Systems. We argue that chaotic power-law interacting systems have emergent limits on information ...
For instance, it has been shown very recently1 that strong coupling in light-matter interaction with large amounts of particles, a phenomena that was previously thought to be of quantum nature, could be explained classically. One may also recall that there have been attempts to describe the ...
It is assumed that the intermolecular interactionϕ(r)in a certain thermal equilibrium state is composed of three parts: a hard-core potential, a soft-repulsive tail, and an attractive tail. This interaction is given by the following equation. ...