((Excel.Range) excelActiveWorksheet.Cells[rowIndex, columnIndex]).Value2); rowIndex = (int)rowIndex + 1; } testData[i] = new string[tempCollection.Count]; testData[i] = (string[])tempCollection.ToArray(typeof(string)); } // Clean up excelWorkbook.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type....
A significant percentage of static test data is stored in tabular comma delimited or tab-delimited formats and saved in Excel spreadsheets. Reading in comma or tab-delimited static test data into an automated test is pretty straight forward and there are numerous examples in many programming langua...
((Excel.Range) excelActiveWorksheet.Cells[rowIndex, columnIndex]).Value2); rowIndex = (int)rowIndex + 1; } testData[i] = new string[tempCollection.Count]; testData[i] = (string[])tempCollection.ToArray(typeof(string)); } // Clean up excelWorkbook.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type....