The _timezoneName, in the format similar to America/New_York, America/Toronto, Europe/London, etc., can be retrieved by using String tempTZ = ESP_wifiManager.getTimezoneName(); 18. How to get TZ variable to configure Timezone ESP32 and ESP8266 TZ can be configured, using the simila...
docker run --rm -e "TZ=America/Toronto" -v /BAMS_PATH/:/bams/ -v /GENOME_PATH/:/genome/ -v $(pwd):/output/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it labxa/rfcaller:1.2.0 -@ INT -i INPUT.LIST --genome /genome/GENOME.FA --dbSNP hg19/hg38...
I’m reminded of the Bible Code craze prompted by Michael Drosnin’s 1997 research. If memory serves me right, he turned the Bible into a single string of letters and searched for occurences of equally spaced letters spelling out already past “future” events. The discussion was further fuell...
Join Date Feb 2002 Location Canada, Toronto Posts 5,803 Re: Random string Originally Posted by Chris001 but many of my users get incomplete uploads, because the application creates Message-ID's already created/used by other users. Are you SURE that's what is happening ? How many users...