Use this random sentence generator to create random sentences that can help you brainstorm and come up with new stories, song lyrics, and other writing ideas.
Random-Password-Generator smakss •3.0.1•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version3.0.1,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 187 @matter.js/brorand Random number generator for browsers and node.js Random RNG browser crypto
boring-name-generator Generateing a random, unique, heroku-like name for the motherbored. e.g. "gnarly-yield-2913" boring heroku project server app name generate unique random generator generater lolcathost •1.0.3•2 years ago•3dependents•ISCpublished version1.0.3,2 years ago3depend...
The Religion Generator is a versatile tool designed to help users create unique and intricate religions for their world-building projects, storytelling, role-playing games, and more. This generator provides a wide range of customizable options and prompts to inspire the creation of diverse belief ...
Unleash the spirit of the north with our Guild Wars Norn Name generator. Create bold and brave names for your Norn characters, inspired by the Guild Wars saga.
This can be shown better by the “generator” for the Koch curve, which shows the before and after: If you repeat these steps, you’ll generate the following picture: This fractal was originally called a “monster” due to the fact that it is continuous everywhere (there are no holes),...
If your passphrase needs to have a symbol, a number and an uppercase character in your passphrase, you can use Title Case (-t) and use random symbols and numbers as word separators (-s _b):$ phraze -t -s _b Welcome&Song}Barker)Concrete;Commune$Shouted2Ensuing ...
don't want to be the person holding the ball (or potato) when the random timer goes off. Random Timer Generator works great for these Hot Potato style games, such as Catch Phrase, The Last Word, Pass The Bomb... or Hot Potato. Also great for board games where you need a random ...
Each generator starts by producing a person with a gender, an age and a date of birth. These are then passed on to the subsequent name portions so that a male always gets a male name and a male prefix (if you've specified a prefix file). ...
the Carja Name Generator offers a immersive experience that sparks creativity and curiosity. With its evocative and intricate names, this generator is perfect for those looking to add depth and authenticity to their own stories, games, or role-playing adventures. Step into the world of the Carja...