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Random User-Agent (Switcher) - Chrome 应用商店,Random User-Agent (Switcher) - Chrome 应用商店, 按时自动更改用户代理字符串,隐藏您的真实用户代理。
Random User-Agent (Switcher) - 定时自动更换随机 User-Agent[Chrome、Firefox 扩展]丨User-Agent 是一个浏览器识别信息,可以让网站用来识别我们访问使用的设备及浏览器信息,如果你不想让网站过多收集你的信息数据,其中之一的方法就是修改你的 User-Agent。但完全由自己来修改,定时修改那就太麻烦了,不过你也可以使...
It's not very practical in terms of usability, actually browsing the website. So I'd like to have it set a random user-agent, which would stay for as long as I browse that website. Great add-on btw. best user agent switcher there is for Mozilla. Huge thanks for your consideration,...
No initial setup needed - just install and forget about the real user-agent leaking Note 🐞 If you encounter abugwith the extension but don't have a GitHub account (and prefer not to register for one), feel free to email it tobugreport@random-user-agent.comalong with details about how...
This extension is designed to shield your online privacy and make it super easy to appear as if you're browsing from different devices.
您可以自定义要模拟的浏览器和操作系统。我们甚至为特殊情况准备了一个例外列表。 最棒的部分呢?它可以保护您免受那些旨在揭示您身份的狡猾的 JavaScript 技巧的侵害。最重要的是,它完全免费,没有广告。立即提升您的在线隐私! 用 ️ 制作。查看源代码:https://github.com/tarampampam/random-user-agent...