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In 2020, a doctor in California encountered an unusual number of fungal infections in burn patients. Understand, a burn patient getting a fungal infection isn’t particularly uncommon, but it’s not an “every time” thing, either. A search for the culprit lead them to the ventilation system...
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The excellent single, ‘Desert’, closed the show, a purple-hearted gem which sees Debbie using the landscape of her native California as a metaphor for her father’s misguided attempts to turn the clock back on his life. It’s when you hear songs like these you wonder just why everyone...
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“Cecelia” and I quickly discovered their 1930 and1940 US Census records. Â I knew right away that the family moved to California from Kansas, and that they had their first son in California in 1926. Â That dated this photo circa 1925, which seemed correct to me based on the ...
Elliott Gould (Little Murders, California Split) is an FBI agent trying to determine the true identity of a top US physicist who was horrifically injured in a car accident in East Berlin. The scientist is returned to the West encased in a metal mask and body-suit, reconstructed via ...
California Merced is the latest of the University of California campus and is situated in the Middle of the California Central Valley. It is currently shy of having 10 000 students and is a quickly growing campus which carres the mission of the University of California with a focus on ...
“death with dignity” along with Vermont, Montana, New Mexico and Oregon. Oregon has been in the news recently because of the story ofBrittany Maynard, the young woman with an terminal brain cancer who has moved from the San Francisco area of California to Portland, Oregon so that she can...