4. HEAT: Miami Media Day tips off preseason, Bahamas training camp:Heat's annual Media Day at the downtown arena on Monday precedes the Tuesday-through-Saturday training camp in the Bahamas. First of five preseason games is October 4 vs. Minnesota. Barring a last-minute move the Heat has ...
Still, Mary creates a clean and orderly home life for her stormy husband, Jack, and her sons, while she adapts to the isolation of a rural town through the inspiration of a local preacher. She is the first to befriend Eddie in a relationship that will prove as rugged as the ground ...
All these bones the head n the tail hmm my father Bill Moss can go to town on these detailz You can find him scraping the little bluegill clean then marinating it in some lemon in a pie pan with sara ...more ELLenor MOSS • 94 Views • January 3rd, 2025 Post Article Load Mo...
We remain enamored with our spawn who now range 19-30. Like they’re now so self-sufficient, we’re fucking honored when asked to teach or advise them. Bubba took a rather big boy job downtown – I really don’t know. IT something. He bought himself an adventure bike, and spends a...
While The Rabbit Hutch’s fictional town of Vacca Vale, Indiana was in many ways inspired by her hometown of South Bend, the devastating collapse of Vacca Vale’s local automobile industry has not been mitigated by a prestigious university system, and the town of Gunty’s debut novel is ...
a1930年8月,伍德在Iowa(美国爱荷华州)南部的一个小镇看到一所颇具哥特式风格的房子,它建于1880年代,有五个房间。 In August, 1930, Wood in Iowa (the American Iowa state) a south small town saw quite has the Gothic style style to one the house, it constructed at 1880 ages, some five rooms....
A historical monster-hunting novel loot box presented by Shaman States of America. 發起人: Chrishaun Keller - Hanna 有57 名支持者認繳了$ 2,677,幫助此專案變為現實。 上次更新十月 11 2023 分享這個專案 儲存 更新#11 There's a reason behind that (not so) random number... ...
Yes. Some moron was intentionally vomiting ice cream on my local town's carnival when I was little. My dad scared him poopless afterwards. 36. Skywarps: credits or no? State your case. Yes it's a coaster. That launch is really a thing. And it's so bad that it deserves to be hon...
A random temple in a random part of town. Temples and shrines seem to appear every fifty feet. Living under the freeway is never good, but it’s especially bad here. A medium-sized Buddha in a part of town that makes nothing but Buddhas and various shrines. Applying rhinestones one...
First stop, the Blue and White Restaurant on Highway 61 in Tunica, Mississippi, for lunch. Great food, lovely people (lot’s of “y’all”), but sadly they had just sold out of peach cobbler. As vegetarians, we generally had no trouble staying fed on the trip. In any larger town/...