take paws to enjoy this tail spun lark... and if you haven't already, do pick up the doggy pace. From the froth and frolic of the modern day woman, to a walk in the dog park of another kind... "Babes with Dogs" takes an indelible plunge into the day-to-day absurdity of what...
which was screaming at us to get the hell out of there while we still could. We loaded up the car with all our stuff and drove two hours in brutal winds and rain (actually, Mike did the driving; I just cringed). But
Just Say Yes
Updates and other random Rush stuff Since last year'sClockwork Angelstour came to a close and Rush embarked on a year-plus long break, there obviously hasn't been much in the way of Rush news to report outside of a few band member side projects (musicprojectsfromAlexandbook projectsfrom ...
They tend to be put back on the track of defining the customer scenario it breaks first. Then people evaluate the risk of this bug, evalaute whether the bug meets the bug bar, and say yea or nay. It can be stressful - you want to come in to the meeting knowing everything thats ...
Random human stuff like: names, gender, titles, tags, conversations Random data types like: Int, CGFloat, Bool, UIColor, NSDate, NSURL, element in ArrayUsagefunc asExtension() { Int.random(2, 77) // Random between 2-77 Int.random(2...77) Int32.random(13, 37) // Random between...
Hi, I'm Olivia, aka Olive. I'm always trying out random crafts and things... so this blog shows the evolution of all the stuff I'm interested in. Hobby Timeline: 2014-2015: Photography, digital scrapbooking 2015-2017: Brush lettering ...
My hot water heater blew up in January, which killed off the better part of my flooring in the hall and dining room. We got contractors in just before this virus-from-hell came to our state and it took until mid-July to get it completed. But there was other stuff going on behind th...
Whether you are talking to people at afamily gatheringor tocolleaguesat a Christmas party, its best to have some stuff to talk about in the back of your mind. But how do youpick the best topics? 1. Pick your audience Before you pick, you need to know a little about your audience. ...
Wondering how you will fit 15 people around your six person table? Stressing over how on earth it will all be ready at the same time? Or, how to politely stuff a sock into the mouth of the person who bring up politics? Fear not! People will be so grateful they… ...