Spooky Strange Superhero Supernatural Superstition Sweets Tarantula Thirty-first Tiara Tomb Tombstone Treat Trick Trick or treat Troll Tutu Vampire Wand Warlock Web Weird Werewolf Wig Witch Wizard Zombie Random Christmas Words Mulled wine North pole ...
Step into the strange and surreal world of the Weird Dream Generator, a unique content generator that will transport you into the depths of your subconscious mind. This innovative tool takes inspiration from the mysterious and whimsical nature of dreams, creating bizarre and fascinating scenarios that...
Headless browsers Zombie.js headless browser, using node https://github.com/assaf/zombie/blob/master/README.md http://zombie.labnotes.org SpookyJS drive casper from node https://github.com/WaterfallEngineering/SpookyJS Headless Firefox Using Xvfb – the X Virtual FrameBuffer http://www.installat...
One more than one occasion people trot out Bell’s Inequality for some reason, yet even the seemingly thorny quantum entanglement has every indication of being causational — in the sense that it is predictive and reproducible. It is commonly said that this is “spooky”, that it violates loc...