With the advent of this very tool, the world's firstRandom Town Name Generator(orRaToNaGe), this problem finally has a solution to which all parties can agree and never more will deciding upon a suitable name be an issue. TheRaToNaGeis a highly sophisticated computer-based tool which draws...
BBEG Plan Generator 1 BBEG Plan BBEG Plan Generator Fantasy town name generator Bretic Northmen Names tesbretonnamesnorthmen French Names Generate a list of 10 feminine French names and 10 masculine French names. namesfrenchfull-namelistreal-world ...
The Street Address - The street address usually involves a house number, property number, or apartment number including the name of the street. For example: 1026 Oakmound Road, or 10 Kings Drive, Apt 8. The Town or City - The town or city is next in line after clearly writing the stre...
m_mainText[MagicTypes.Water] ="And this exhibit is the famous painting of the battle of Hillsbrad Harbor. During the 2nd revolution in CT 291, this town was stormed by a small navy backed up by a large elemental force, as you can see here.\n\nWater wisps, ice demons, and even eld...
Historically speaking, this generator is a start but perhaps it would be better to go all the way and challenge the very concept of a given/imposed “Christian name”, since that would give far better entropy as well as encode a path to the real person. ...
Random World Map Generator world-map-genis a CLI tool and library for Rust and WebAssembly. It provides functionality to generate a random world map for games like a retro tactical simulation game. A generated map consists of cells. Each cell has its altitude and kind (sea, town, plain, fo...
As he took his seat Fanshawe listened for a moment to the loud calling of the crickets and other insects who, in the gloom of the lawns and cacti and bushes, seemed determined to drown out the generator’s soft thrum. Under the glow of one of the lamps, a small sea of black lay ...
It is also noted when there are town type generator rules for the zone. 3 is treasure view. In this mode each zone displays detailed view of its contents: minimum/maximum value and frequency for up to 3 types of treasures. Asterisk, as in the Standard view, signifies the custom settings...
Since one query can result in returning multiple images (ifgroup byis used), the input data set name and the output image name both need to be pretty much unique and provided to the Java class which creates the image. To ensure uniqueness, apseudo random number generatoris used when creati...
I can protect my ship either by hiding in the shadow of a small artificial moon or at the heart of a dense asteroid field.What should I do? Hide behind the moon (Learn Shield Generator and Thermal Resonance Generator) Hide in the asteroid belt (Lose 15 Hull) There's a pyramid here ...