a rumbling, churning,a tumbling, yearning,begins climbing to the surface.A frothy surging seabuilds to its crescendochanging colorsalong the way.Ineffable as it hangs . . . .until it can hang no morethen curls tumbles and rollsto crash upon the shore. ~~Judi Van Gorder (This is a poem...
do you hear the thunder rumbling in the distance? & how the air smells like rain? but she did tell him. & loose lips sink ships. what just happened here, i wondered, as i was pulling myself out from under the bus. it’s called karma, baby. ...
They decided it would be wise to eat before going to the theatre, as both had been guilty in the past of sitting in the audience and their rumbling tummies the source of ire to those sitting around them. One thing the Quay was not short of was cafes. It was a smorgasbord of eateries...