Several of the Fedora LXDE spin's desktop wallpapers today came with Red Hat over a decade ago. Like then, I dig on won-ton-soup-3, and like then, I have modified it. In 2000, I colorized it. This morning, I converted it to greyscale and used "Color to Alpha" on #CCCCCC so ...
Extending the optimization technique, the study examines the effect of crack presence in a pipeline section under internal pressure without and with composite repairs on the maximum principal stress. The sensitivity of stress is analyzed with respect to the design parameters of...
We need to stop taking our yards (and our lives) so seriously and lighten up a bit. Barbie Beach has the right idea. It’s always brought a smile to my face and re-lit a creative, free-spirited spark that I sometimes forget is inside me. I hope to have a yard of my own in th...
A powershell cmdlet for stuff I do. Contribute to DBHeise/RoboDave development by creating an account on GitHub.
ptopk_patch_selection pvn pwil q_match qanet qsp_quantum_metrology quantile_regression quantum_sample_learning r4r rank_ckpt rankgen rankt5 ravens rcc_algorithms rce re_identification_risk readtwice realformer recs_ecosystem_creator_rl recursive_optimizer red-ace regnerf rembert ...
Too short, the knob I put on it barely fits at all, this could have been far better. #5 The included wire. It was red. Why one color of wire was included in a kit that needed 6 different wire connections is beyond me, I guess they just figure that you will connect the same red...
I’m starting to wonder whether it would be worthwhile to offer personal lessons, either face-to-face or via Zoom, to help people get their feet on the ground, have more fun, and avoid needless frustration. There’s no shortage of information online about how to use this, that, or the...
talking face to face, had huge advantages in social terms (the face on the end of the email) and that has been continued into modern times and enhanced with the idea that conferences should be welcoming to all people and promote unbiased discussion in an atmosphere of safety. If Society its...
August 6 was our NICU release date.Zack posted recently on Facebook about a moment in time that resonates for him from our NICU time. It’s funny because one thing is common between us – we think of the 35 days we spent in the NICU often, at the strangest times, and each year it...
Do not need Optional as they come in on Patch Tuesday. You are taking Beta Versions more or less. If you have taken Video Drivers for your card please use DDU and Remove the Drivers. Reinstall from here : as it tells you ...