I can’t stop humming “Let It Be” which is the song I chose for the outro to BFF’s memorial nearly a year ago and it’s making me sad and miss her. My daughter is moving back to the city in a few weeks and I’m already missing her. I’m annoyed/amused the coonhound ate...
Black Radishesby Susan Lynn Meyer is a gripping middle-grade WWII adventure about a Jewish boy living in Occupied France.Black Radishesreceived a Sydney Taylor Honor Award given by the Association of Jewish Librarians, andKirkusstated that the book “raises important questions about nationalism, equal...
We are all busy. We all have trials. We all have bills to pay. We all let days and even weeks go by without calling that old friend, without telling someone we love that we love them so much. Hug your kids. Kiss your spouse. Pet your dog. Say what’s on your heart. Hold a h...
He nodded, resigned to such questions from those left behind, shrugged a leather jacketed shoulder, leaned down, his lips barely a whisper from my ear, and said, “You can read whatever you want.” I reeled, spun through the crowd, burst through the exit. Gasped. In the long slog thro...