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A random number generator, which may be used for encryption, comprises a square wave oscillator 116 frequency-modulated by a sawtooth or sine oscillator 112 acting on the current source 118 that supplies the oscillator 116. The output pulse train produced by the oscillator 116 is representative ...
The fast generation of values of the beta random variable is a subject of great interest and multiple applications, ranging from purely mathematical and statistical ones to applications in management and production, among others. There are several methods for generating these values, with one of the...
Intel® Secure Key, code-named Bull Mountain Technology, is the Intel name for the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures instructions RDRAND and RDSEED and the underlying Digital Random Number Generator (DRNG) hardware implementation. Among other things, the DRNG usin...
QRNG PQ4000KSI (Fig.2) is manufactured by the American company ComScire US. Figure 2 PQ4000KSI quantum random number generator after removing the cover. Generator performance 4Mb/s of random binary code. Full size image According to the manufacturer the offered product is a quantum random numb...
// Example of a random user generator varfaker=require('faker');// Faker.js library // Custom user snippet to generate formatted phone numbers varphonenum=require('keith/phonenum/1');; api.username=faker.internet.userName(); ...
{{cityGerman}}: German city name. {{cityGerman}} ---> Berlin {{company}}: Company name.| {{company}} ---> Venusian Software Corp {{country}}: Country name. {{country}} ---> Lebanon {{county}}: UK county name. {{county}} ---> Derbyshire ...
Fractal generator for efficient production of random planar patterns and symbols in digital mappingIn digital cartography, the automatic generation oLiuUnivGangUnivZhenwenUnivXinchuanUnivChenUnivQiyuUnivXiaogangUnivComputers & geosciences
It might, for instance, be a kind of “random number generator” where a non-regular process is desired. An interesting aspect of chaos lies in its content of unstable orbits (cycles) and the possibilities of controlling these. This means that there may be an unlimited number of possible ...
payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or ...